Senior Seminars

Judy Paul is not your average real estate agent.  She is a Seniors Real Estate Specialist (SRES) and has a a heart for helping people of all ages with their real estate needs – especially seniors.

Judy is passionate about families talking to each other and making plans before there is a crisis in the family and decisions have to be made quickly.  She speaks free of charge to senior groups where ever she is invited to give professional tips about selling and how and what to talk about so families are informed and make better decisions for their loved ones.

If you would like to know more about these presentations or would like to extend an invitation to Judy to speak – call the office at 678-267-7085 or cell 770-778-7070.

**Judy is available in January for a Senior Seminar. Call to book her today**

Upcoming Senior Seminar Date & Locations

– Thursday, February 21st at The Gainesville Senior Center

– Tuesday, February 27th at Lakewood Baptist in Gainesville, 12pm

– Thursday, May 2nd at the Buford Senior Center, 10am